Office Pest Control

Office Building Pest Control Services

EcoGuard knows firsthand how critical maintaining a pest free environment is to an office setting. Even the smallest pest issue can cause big problems if office production is closed down and employees are unable to work. Our licensed and trained technicians provide pest control for office buildings and can help create a custom plan that uses integrated pest management (IPM) to cater to your specific bug needs. Our services use the highest quality ecofriendly pesticides that are proven to be effective. Call today to schedule an appointment for an inspection!

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All Natural Services

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How Pest Control for Offices Impact the Workplace

Businesses are responsible for providing a safe and healthy place to work that is free of pest that could potentially introduce and spread disease and germs. Office building that lease space to those businesses usually carry at least partial responsibility for office pest control in common areas while individual spaces are likely the responsibility of the tenant renting the office space. Either way, when a pest problem breaks out, it is the responsibility of both parties to ensure that the building is safe to work in for staff and for visiting customers & clients. 

Office Pest Services

EcoGuard uses an integrated pest management (IPM) approach that unifies proactive preventative measures with reactive treatment strategies to combat existing and future bugs with the least environmental impact possible. This combination allows us to implement a plan that will keep pests out of your facility after any initial problems have been addressed. Call today for a free estimate 866-326-2847

List of Services

Key Benefits of Using EcoGuard Office Pest Control Services

Protection Every Day & Night – Pest activity doesn’t stop so pest activity is constantly being monitored with integrated pest management so you can rest knowing your property is protected

Protecting Valuable Assets – Pest can cause extensive damages to IT systems by chewing through wires and shorting out circuits. Be sure to have pest prevention & monitoring strategies in place to reduce the chances of that happening.

Minimizing Costs – Proactive approaches to pest control end up saving big costs when factoring in cleaning and repair costs that come with bug and rodent damage.

Staff Safety & Health – Maintaining a pest free work environment helps prevent the spread of work place pathogens and virus that can threat workplace production.

Discretion – Problems are identified and resolved quickly and discreetly by expert pest control technicians.

Brand Name Protection – Pest problems inevitably manage to tarnish the image of a work environment and a business for both employees and customers. EcoGuard ensures a pest free atmosphere, so no pests ever become a problem.

Most Common Pests in Office Buildings

Fruit Flies – These bugs feed on ripe vegetables and fruits, organic food scraps, and sweet fluids. They are generally seen floating around sinks, trash, and food that was left out.

Fungus Gnats – Fungus gnats tend to float around bright screens but usually come from overwatered plants nearby.

Pantry Pests – These pests usually infest dry foods like grains, cereals, nuts, etc. They may have been introduced by contaminated food.

Ants – Ants usually come in search of food and water or to escape harsh conditions outside. Scout ants will leave pheromones for other ants to follow once food is found.

Cockroaches – These nocturnal bugs are drawn to trash and clutter and can find their way into just about anywhere. They present a health hazard as they a vector for disease and can spreads viruses.

Rodents – Rats and mice can chew their way into most areas they can’t get into if it means finding food. They will nest where food is available and offices that are empty in the evening are perfect for these nocturnal animals to rummage around. 

How to Prevent Pests in Office Buildings

Preventing pests requires the combined effort of the office building staff as well as the businesses who rent space and the employees that work there.

Office building staff:

  • Keep communal areas clean and free of trash and debris
  • Coordinate a public IPM strategy that highlights problematic areas
  • Maintain a clean trash collection area
  • Ensure that all screens are replaced
  • Maintain on going pest control services to monitor and implement prevention & treatment


  • Educate employees on proper pest control protocol
  • Ensure employees understand how to mitigate pest populations through common sense cleaning


  • Keep fruits and vegetables in the fridge
  • Don’t leave food out overnight
  • Keep snacks sealed in rigid containers
  • Clean all dirty dishes before close of day
  • Empty trash cans at close of day
  • Reduce clutter
  • Don’t overwater plants

Rodents Invading Office Spaces

Rodents typically account for over half of the service calls placed by office managers and property management. They have become increasingly problematic in office settings, and populations seem to explode overnight. Calling a professional rodent control expert at the first sign of rodent activity is always recommended. EcoGuard can have a technician out to inspect for access points and harborage areas so we can create an effective rodent treatment plan for your office building. It is important this happens before rodent activity picks up in the winter as rodent move indoors to escape cold temperatures. 

Office Pest Control FAQs 

  • What’s the difference between pest control and exterminator?

    An exterminator’s role is to come kill signs of pest activity using chemical treatment methods whereas pest control uses a broader approach that incorporates proactive prevention strategies. 

  • What do professional exterminators use?

    Professional exterminators use chemical pesticides that usually contain some varying degree of pyrethrin and pyrethroids. These have shown to be effective pest control agents for most common household bugs.

  • Are pest control services worth the money?

    Most DIY pest control is reactionary which costs much more to address a bug problem than to prevent one. Being proactive against pests with preventative strategies implemented by pest control experts at EcoGuard will save money on the backend and time which can’t be recovered.

  • How long does it take for pest control to work?

    Usually, the most significant reduction in noticeable pest activity occurs in the first few days. The remaining pests could take up to a few weeks due to egg cycles and durability. 

Proven Pest Solutions

EcoGuard Pest Management is a leader in pest control innovation & service.

EcoGuard is a professionally licensed pest control corporation servicing California, Oregon, and Washington. We have a dedicated staff of local employees committed to serving and meeting your pest control needs in the most cost efficient and productive way possible. The head of our applications department boasts over forty years of experience in the pest control field. As a locally owned and operated company, we are delighted at the opportunity to earn the business and create lasting relationships with our neighbors.

Why Choose EcoGuard?

EcoGuard approaches each job with integrated pest management (IPM) as our primary focus. IPM is defined by using “Pesticides that pose the least possible hazard and are effective in a manner that minimizes risks to people, property, and the environment, and are used only after careful monitoring indicates they are needed according to pre-established guidelines and treatment thresholds.” Our proximity to the subject property allows us to closely monitor all pest activity and employ the highest standards of IPM available today.

Pesticide Application

All products will be applied in accordance with state and federal pesticide control regulations. At EcoGuard we choose our products very carefully based on environmental impact and human risk, only the finest products will be used on your property. We also offer all natural pest control solutions.

For immediate service for all of your pest control concerns please call 866-326-2847 or complete this form.

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